Thursday, November 27, 2014

“THEORIA #2”-The Trinity and His Works    
The three persons are One God and each of the three persons are 100% God. We cannot truly comprehend and describe the Trinity. For as the same realization of St. Augustine on the beach, “You can’t put the Doctrine of an Infinite Being in a finite mind of a finite person”. We are beings of three dimensions of space. We can’t describe something that can manifest in three. It will be like describing 6 squares in one figure, the Cube, if we were living in 2 dimensions. So, we will just have to digest how His dynamics within the Tri-unity of LOVE.  St. Augustine modelled the Trinity after the human mind, of which is made in God’s image. The Father is God knowing Himself, or someone that wills or intends for LOVE. The Father is inward in motion and manifests the perfection in God----or God as the Source of all Good things and the very Being of All Perfections. That is why Christ simply presented Him to us as “The Father”.  He is the Source, the Precursor, the Head, the Intender, and the Maker of all LOVE. The Son is presented as God’s answer to knowing, the knowledge, or word, or manifestation of God’s intention for LOVE. He is the expression of Father’s will of Love. He is the mediator between thinking and doing. The bridge between the Source of all things to the things outside the Godhead. He is the right hand of a God Who intends only LOVE. He is begotten truly out of LOVE thus He is simply, “The Son” of God. The Greatest Manifestation of God’s Living LOVE. Due to God’s infinity, simplicity, and mysteriousness, He is uncreated, but timelessly begotten or sourced to the Father. The Father loves perfectly the Son, and the Son loves perfectly the Father, and in this exchange of Divine and Infinite LOVE, which lives in the warmth, or comfort, or experience of the resonating compassion that sustains life in the Unity of the Trinity, and the Universe with its Prime Causer. A love or experience or warmth, that so perfect and so alive, the Lord and Giver of Life, Sustainer and Comforter of All, is fully alive as a person merely entitled by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as “The Holy Spirit”.  The matter of who is Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier is a matter also of appropriation judged in the perception of Man. But every work by the Trinity, every person is glorified. For they are one Being. The Father is assumed in the works of Creation because He is the ultimate begetter and source of all things in imagining them in His Sacred Mind. The Son is the Redeemer because the Ultimate Act of Love, the Sacrifice and Atonement at the Cross, is done by that person, the Lamb and Word and Son of God. And finally, Sanctification of the World, the Sustenance of Life and Existence, and the Comforting of All spirits, is presumed by the Holy Spirit, for He is “the Love that moves the Sun and the other stars”~Dante’s Paradiso. But in Creation, the Son is the expression of which existence burst out in being of whom through Him, of all things were made~John, and the Holy Spirit’s Love sustains all things~Scripture. Redemption was willed and offered by the Father, of whom He loves the World so much, He gave us His only Son,~John 3:16 and the Holy Spirit who distributes the graces purchased in Calvary. And at last, the Father moves the things and events for Men to be saved in grace, and the Son moves in the Church, the Mystical Body on Earth, to continue His works of Love and prove the Love of the Supreme Being. The one God works in the three persons, in the Trinity.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

I'm a Catholic, and this is my simple explanation and insight.


 “THEORIA #1”-God and His Attributes
           God is the Supreme Being. God is also three persons in one Being or Nature. Persons are living entities with free will. A Being, however, is a state of one that is, or nature---an inert attribute that defines something or someone. Three who’s in one what.                In this 4-dimesional world us humans live in, a person is only one being because a person only has one body, can be at one place at a time, lives his perception at one moment at a time, and lives temporarily. God, nevertheless, is a transcendent being and lives in a Nature that has Infinite dimensions. He is not bound by space and time, for He is the Supreme Being. He is three persons, as clearly according to Christ before His ascension,,” Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”-Matthew 28:19 (NIV),and there is interaction, a conversation, a give-and-take, within God. Heck, He referred to Himself in Genesis as “We”. But what is this divine nature that they all share----LOVE. Being above time, He is eternal. No beginning, no end. Being outside space, He is omnipresent. He is everywhere, anytime. Being simple, He is a Spirit; and being a spirit, He is pure. Being pure of His nature, which is LOVE, He is omnibenevolent and perfect. Yet being perfect, He is Justice, thus Order, thus supreme=omnipotent. Being---a being that’s shared by three distinct persons, in a Family of LOVE. ß This is His greatest attribute, the most prominent, and the most moving. This love is unfathomable, immeasurable, and incomprehensible. Which is why the formers are also His nature.

Hope You like it! ^^ hehehe It's a capital Y.

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Most Holy Trinity and His relevance to Creation, Salvation, and Christian Life

[Work in progress and to be continued]

The Most Holy Trinity and His relevance to Creation, Salvation, and Christian Life
I.              What is the Holy Trinity?

          The Most Holy Trinity is the Christian Doctrine that the One God is the inseparable union of three persons under one essence or being.

II.            God, Love, and the Dynamics of Love

God is the first, prime and supreme Existent.

          Since beginning less existence, the Almighty lives in the ultimate life of infinite love, of which love is the very essence of the Divine. Divinity is the essence of love and Deity, the source of love. John wasn’t being symbolic when he said “God is Love”.  Love is holiness, justice, and perfection. It (or may I say He) is the inexpressible, eternal and transcendent Entity of inestimable positivity negative from the “void.

           But the Grand Source/Deity of Love, who is simply coined by Christ as “The Father”, is the immense will of God. The will of God is the vast sentiment of His Love for Himself, the personification of unadulterated Arduous Intention. Just the same principle as St. Augustine’s “God thinking of Himself” dogma.

            But all that Love kept within the Mind/Will of God must manifest somewhere, for as what Peter testified to the Lord, “You are the Son of the Living God” The Living God expresses His endless love unto the consubstantial, co-eternal personhood of His grandest, only-begotten “Son” ---- The Logos, or Word, or Living expression of the Father; Whom He loves so much as a Son. Just like humans, the love of two, opposite sexes are manifested entirely and prominently with an offspring. Ironically, we are modelled after God and His Image not vice versa. But we’ll talk about it later. John wrote numerous times in His Gospel, “Through Him all things were made”, “I am in the Father and the Father’s in me”, and “Whoever wants to go to the Father must go through Me” testifies that the Son is the mediator of the Father’s will/works of Love and the mediator between us and the Father. Christ is the Expression of the Father in Creation, Salvation, and Sanctification. In a way, we can imperfectly represent the Father as the flame or source, and the Son is the light or the energy of the flame that travels and illuminates the distance beyond the flame.
Same as St. Augustine’s explanation as the knowledge of God or “God answering”

            Father and Son loves each other. So much so that the Love resonating eternally and infinitely proceeding from the Two is also a person with Will, Reason, and Animation. The Experience of love that unites the Father and Son is a spirit of magnanimous compassion----- the “Holy Spirit”. Same as St. Augustine’s statement as “God loving Himself” The Spirit is the warmth from the light and flame, in imperfect symbolism. The Love that emanates from the Supreme Providence is the same Love that ushers the eternal begetting of the Son and eternal will of the Father, thus completing the timeless cycle of Trinitarian Dynamics.

III.           Love in the Divine Plan and the three Holy acts of God

           “In the beginning, God created heaven and earth. The world was without form and void, and the Spirit of God fluttered over the abyss”-in Genesis. These words inspired by the Providence, say the abyss or the void of nothingness was filled with nothingness or absence of love and anything good. But God is superior of emptiness. The chaos of formlessness means that the emptiness from God, from love, provides unto the abyss or hell before the light or expression of the Deity. The former is the world before God’s work, the next will be His mission. “He said, Let there be light.” As the Deity poured out His Love-manifested, the Logos unto the void, the abode of light and pure love (Heaven) was made through Love manifested (remember that Love –manifested is the Son) and the twilight of Light and darkness (the Physical World) upon the separation of Light or Good and Darkness or evil quoting “He separated the light from the darkness”. All in the timeless hyperspace----a declaration of God’s mission: To let Love conquer the darkness, to the world and to existents lost in it. The method of Creation is an outburst of love, from which all things come and live. The Father, however, was not alone in this. He willed the Creative Light, beget and expressed His will at the power and love of the Son, and the Holy Spirit sustains the Universe-from-love in the warmth of His sustaining force of love. You can notice that love is exhaustingly repeated. Well, that is God’s whole Idea.

            Salvation is another story, yet so the same as Creation. As Creation is the redemption of darkness through illumination from above, salvation is the bridging of Man to God above, across the endless chasm of sin by illuminating from the earth. The Son, I mean God in His Trinity, loved us so much, that He is willing to be constrained in a physical body; live amongst the chaos of our twilight world; got convicted, persecuted, scourged, violated, hated, humiliated, and executed at the worst and most embarrassing way possible (Cruxifiction) and die for us so that the Innocence Himself may shine the most pathetic expression of love and fill the chasm of sin with light of His sacrifice. Primordially, Christ told of His sacrifice in a manner that we may feel the extreme love of God for us--- an atonement or payment. Cosmologically and positively, He filled off the crater of sin with the endless merits of God’s light/grace. Still, the Trinity worked for salvation. The Father accepted the endless merits of the sacrifice, while Christ is the expressive and perfect sacrifice of love, and the Spirit is the Love that filled and bridge the chasm of sin forever between God and Man and made it freely in our access in the Church by the graces He provides.

          The last act is strongly intertwined with Creation and Salvation. Sanctification---the continuation and distribution and evangelization of Christ’s message of Love. The Father provides the will of saving men, manifested in the mystical Body of Christ/the Church to do the works of Jesus dispensing the invisible grace of God in physical manifestation through the sacraments and the spiritual and corporal works of mercy ß-the proof or acts of love that inspires the spirit to be united with the joy and glory of God’s love, while the Spirit is the inspiration that moves men to be saved or to save in Jesus’ Name.

These are just summaries and vague explanations of my imperfect interpretation of God’s will. God inspire me more to properly allot these revelations in a way men understand

IV.          Why God loves us? Why did He created, saved, and sanctified us?